Child Rights


The Rights of children are key for their structural, emotional, psychological, spiritual and physical growth. Talanta Africa appreciates the Safeguarding processes that translates to children enjoying their rights and having the space to self-identify and self-recognize as they transition into adulthood.

Key to the Safeguarding processes Talanta Africa engages in include prevention of forced labor, contributing towards ending child trafficking and marriage, prevention from harmful cultural practices such as FGM, addressing issues of children in conflict with the Law, reintegration of children from exile into communities, support in Education processes and to a further extent addressing issues of teenage pregnancy.

The organization engages children through the innovative use of Art such as through Fairytales to address contemporary issues which affect the children as described above.

We equally engage in co-creation with children through creating child-centered content performing by and with children which translates into children who are capable of using Arts, Culture and Media to speak on pertinent issues that affect them.

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